Educational attainment, at least Master's or equivalent, population 25+, male for countries around the world
No matching regions
Male master's or higher attainment
Primary or higher attainment
Male primary or higher attainment
Female primary or higher attainment
Lower secondary or higher attainment
Male lower secondary or higher attainment
Female lower secondary or higher attainment
Upper secondary or higher attainment
Male upper secondary or higher attainment
Female upper secondary or higher attainment
Post-secondary or higher attainment
Male post-secondary or higher attainment
Female post-secondary or higher attainment
Short-cycle tertiary or higher attainment
Male short-cycle tertiary or higher attainment
Female short-cycle tertiary or higher attainment
Bachelor's equivalent or higher attainment
Male bachelor's equivalent or higher attainment
Master's or higher attainment
Female bachelor's equivalent or higher attainment
Male master's or higher attainment
Female master's or higher attainment
Doctoral attainment
Male doctoral attainment
Female doctoral attainment
Data currently not available for this time and region, try a different time period
Data availability:
Date range: 1990 to 2023
Other regions' Male master's or higher attainment
Similar indicators to Male master's or higher attainment