Health indicators for countries around the world
Health indicators
Life expectancy
- Life expectancy at birth
- Life expectancy at age 15
- Life expectancy at age 65
- Life expectancy at age 80
- Male life expectancy at birth
- Male life expectancy at age 15
- Male life expectancy at age 65
- Male life expectancy at age 80
- Female life expectancy at birth
- Female life expectancy at age 15
- Female life expectancy at age 65
- Female life expectancy at age 80
Mortality rate
- Mortality before age 40
- Mortality before age 60
- Mortality between age 15 and 50
- Mortality between age 15 and 60
- Male mortality before age 40
- Male mortality before age 60
- Male mortality between age 15 and 50
- Male mortality between age 15 and 60
- Female mortality before age 40
- Female mortality before age 60
- Female mortality between age 15 and 50
- Female mortality between age 15 and 60
Deaths and causes
- Male deaths
- Female deaths
- Number of maternal deaths
- Number of neonatal deaths
- Number of under-five deaths
- Number of deaths ages 5-9 years
- Number of deaths ages 10-14 years
- Number of deaths ages 15-19 years
- Number of deaths ages 20-24 years
- Probability of dying among children
- Probability of dying among youth
- Probability of dying among 10-14
- Probability of dying among 15-19
Heathcare expenditure
- Current health expenditure
- Current health expenditure per capita
- Current health expenditure PPP per capita
- Government health expenditure (% of health)
- Government health expenditure (% of GDP)
- Government health expenditure (% of government)
- Government health expenditure per capita
- Government health expenditure PPP per capita
- Private health expenditure
- Private health expenditure per capita
- Private health expenditure PPP per capita
- External health expenditure
- External health expenditure per capita
- External health expenditure PPP per capita
- Out-of-pocket expenditure
- Out-of-pocket expenditure per capita
- Out-of-pocket expenditure PPP per capita
Cause of death
- Death by injury
- Death by road traffic injury
- Death by communicable diseases
- Death by non-communicable diseases
- Lifetime risk of maternal death
- CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD
- Female CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD
- Male CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD
- Unintentional poisoning
- Female unintentional poisoning
- Male unintentional poisoning