Education indicators of World
World Education indicators
Educational attainment
- Primary attainment
- Male primary attainment
- Female primary attainment
- Lower secondary attainment
- Male lower secondary attainment
- Female lower secondary attainment
- Upper secondary attainment
- Male upper secondary attainment
- Female upper secondary attainment
- Post-secondary attainment
- Male post-secondary attainment
- Female post-secondary attainment
- Short-cycle tertiary attainment
- Male short-cycle tertiary attainment
- Female short-cycle tertiary attainment
- Bachelor's equivalent attainment
- Male bachelor's attainment
- Master's or higher attainment
- Male master's attainment
- Female bachelor's attainment
- Female master's attainment
- Doctoral attainment
- Male doctoral attainment
- Female doctoral attainment
School enrollment
- Preprimary school enrollment
- Male preprimary school enrollment
- Female preprimary school enrollment
- Primary school enrollment
- Male primary school enrollment
- Female primary school enrollment
- Private primary school enrollment
- Secondary school enrollment
- Male secondary school enrollment
- Female secondary school enrollment
- Private secondary school enrollment
- Tertiary school enrollment
- Male tertiary school enrollment
- Female tertiary school enrollment
- Preprimary teachers
- Male preprimary teachers
- Female preprimary teachers
- Primary teachers
- Male primary teachers
- Female primary teachers
- Lower secondary teachers
- Male lower secondary teachers
- Female lower secondary teachers
- Male secondary teachers
- Female secondary teachers
- Upper secondary teachers
- Male upper secondary teachers
- Female upper secondary teachers
- Secondary teachers
School completion
- Persistence to grade 5
- Male persistence to grade 5
- Female persistence to grade 5
- Lower secondary completiom
- Male lower secondary completion
- Female lower secondary completion
- Lower secondary starting age
- Primary last grade persistence
- Male primary last grade persistence
- Female primary last grade persistence