12,301 is the present number of employed females, age 65+, basic education value in Switzerland, reflecting an increase of 3,704 (43.1%) since 2022.
Number of employed females, age 65+, basic education in Switzerland
No matching regions
Data availability:
Date range: 1980 to 2024
Similar regions to Switzerland
Female employed, age 65+, basic
Switzerland Female employed, age 65+, basic between 1991 and 2023
Period | Female employed, age 65+, basic | Change |
2023 | 12,301 | +3,704 |
2022 | 8,597 | -4,699 |
2021 | 13,296 | +1,765 |
2020 | 11,531 | -69 |
2019 | 11,600 | -2,020 |
2018 | 13,620 | +105 |
2017 | 13,515 | -821 |
2016 | 14,336 | -1,571 |
2015 | 15,907 | +1,854 |
2014 | 14,053 | +4,731 |
2013 | 9,322 | +1,508 |
2012 | 7,814 | -1,080 |
2011 | 8,894 | -193 |
2010 | 9,087 | -162 |
2009 | 9,249 | -2,917 |
2008 | 12,166 | +3,580 |
2007 | 8,586 | +712 |
2006 | 7,874 | +200 |
2005 | 7,674 | -1,889 |
2004 | 9,563 | -2,569 |
2003 | 12,132 | +794 |
2002 | 11,338 | +119 |
2001 | 11,219 | -2,717 |
2000 | 13,936 | -474 |
1999 | 14,410 | -1,321 |
1998 | 15,731 | +46 |
1997 | 15,685 | -2,359 |
1996 | 18,044 | +7,679 |
1995 | 10,365 | -632 |
1994 | 10,997 | -1,026 |
1993 | 12,023 | +577 |
1992 | 11,446 | -22,388 |
1991 | 33,834 |